Practice Closures for Training

The Practice will be closed from 1pm for training and development on the following dates: Telephone calls will be redirected to Practice Plus Group (PPG), patients requiring urgent medical attention that cannot wait until the practice reopens will be assisted by PPG. Should you require MEDICAL ADVICE contact the NHS 111 service.  Telephone number:  111 Please remember, NHS 111

How to use the online consultation form, see a doctor or healthcare professional, test and investigations

We are now using an online consultation service called Patient Triage. It can be accessed via our website on your computer, mobile or tablet device. This will allow you to get routine help or advice from your GP practice online and receive a response within seven days.

Watch this video for more information about how the online consultation service works:

How do I use the online consultation form and what happens after I submit the form?

  1. You will have the option to submit a routine admin query, request help for a medical issue, or see online advice
  2. Patients are first reminded that online consultations are only for non-urgent requests, and advised that the organisation may take up to 7 days to respond. Patients must declare that they have no urgent medical symptoms before they can continue.
  3. If selecting ‘I want help for a medical issue’ you will be directed to complete an online form about your symptoms. Please answer questions as accurately as you can so we can find the best way to help you. 
  4. You will then complete the online consultation form.

Following this you will be emailed a confirmation of the consultation and the practice will respond to you within seven days. We may be able to deal with the issue immediately, or we may book a telephone, video or face-to-face consultation. 

When can I use the online consultation form?You can use the online consultation form at the following times:
Monday to Friday – 8am-5pm
Saturday – Not available
Sunday – Not available
What happens if I have more than one issue?Please submit one online consultation form per problem. This may mean you are submitting more than one online consultation form. This will allow us to gather more accurate information to help you.
When will I get a response back?The clinician will review your response and get back to you within seven days. We will contact you by phone, text or by email.
What about those who do not have online accessPatients who do not have online access can call the surgery as usual on 01363 727111.
What about my Child?Parents can submit an online consultation form on behalf of their children if they are over 6 months old. For children under 6 months please phone the surgery.
How old do I need to be to use the online consultation form?You can submit your own online consultation form once you are 16 years old. If you are aged 16-17, to submit an online consultation form please click here and select the ‘For your child’ tab. If 18 or over submit your online consultation form normally. If you are below 16 and wish to discuss an issue that your parents are not aware of, please phone the surgery to speak to reception.
But I need to be seen?Your online consultation form will be reviewed by your GP and if you need to be seen for a face-to-face appointment, you will be advised of this by your GP.
Can I submit photos?You will have the option to submit a photo with your online consultation form to help us diagnose you. However, please do not include photos of intimate areas – for example genitalia or breasts. 
I completed an online consultation form, but I have not heard back from the practice.This should not happen, however if it does, and you have not heard back from the practice by the end of the seventh day, please contact the surgery who will deal with this promptly.
I have an administrative request.You can submit admin requests such as requesting a fit note (sick note) by visiting our website, go to the online consultation form banner and select administrative requests.